The Study of Banyumas Culture Identity

This research represents an effort studying identity of Banyumas culture through the artistry phenomenon in the form of calung music. Material object studied is phenomenon of calung music in Banyumas, representing one of folk music type, which characteriscally show the existence of Banyumas people with all the ins and outs of its civilization and culture. As for formal object in this research is identity of Banyumas culture, that is form distinguish the physiological characteristic and characteristic which is there are in all idea or imagine, behavioral and also result of idea and behavior of Banyumas society becoming distinguishment with the other culture. Problems raised is (1) which shares from musical form at calung Banyumasan realizing the existence of existence of identity of Banyumas culture, and (2) how identity of culture of Banyumas represented through the show of calung music. The goal of this research are (1) described part of part of musical form at calung Banyumasan realizing the existence of identity of Banyumas culture, (2) knowing ideas or imagine and also their culture activity that is manifested their culture identity, and know the form of Banyumas culture identity, that is represented by the show of calung music. To answer the raised question, this research based in identity theory as which is telling by Judith Starkey that individual feeling as integral part from its property culture and also culture ability define their self as a different system with the other culture. The approach or paradigm used is phenomenology (etno science), that is a way of coming near research problems through the phenomenon that happened in it. Research location is Banyumas cultural dissemination region that is covering administrative territory of Banyumas regency, Purbalingga regency, Banjarnegara regency, Cilacap regency and apart of Kebumen regency. Data collecting conducted with the interview technique, observation, documentation and books studies. Result of research show that the culture identity of Banyumas manifested from taste and conception of thinking of the clan penginyongan representing especial prop of this culture. Calung represent one of the artistry assumed can placed and become the icon for the existence of Banyumas culture.

Key Words: Calung, Culture Identity, Banyumas Culture


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